Hiroyuki OKADA has been working as a patent attorney for about fifteen years. After he worked as a patent attorney in present I.P. firm, he became a representative in 2011.
His practice covers counseling, searching, and filing for patent, utility mode, design, and trademark. As for the patent fields, his practice covers electronics (semiconductors, circuits, information control, optics (optical elements, devices, materials, etc.), materials (ceramics, and other materials, etc.), analytical instruments, medical instruments, mechanical devices, mechanisms, components, daily commodities, etc.
He has lectured at Rikkyo University as part-time lecturers since 2007. He teaches the laws of intellectual property including patent, trademark, etc. and teaches the practice of patent application.
He studied physics, especially elementary particles and cosmic rays at university and graduate school, and received Ph.D from WASEDA University in 1988. After that he worked as a researcher at research center of WASEDA University. While at WASEDA University, he has published dozens of papers. He is an expert in semiconductors, electronic circuits, and information processing including A.I. among others.
Recently, he belongs to the JPAA Patent committee. In the committee, he researches the patent Infringement cases and lectures the research results from a practical perspective.
AIPPI(Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Intellectuelle)
JPAA (Japan Patent Attorneys Association)
IPAJ (Intellectual Property Association of Japan)